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Dear Sorors,


There is just one day left until we officially recognize 112 years of sisterhood, scholarship, service, and social action through our beloved Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated! As we celebrate the bold vision and impactful work of our 22 Founders, let us do so by actualizing this year's theme, Forward With Fortitude: Together, We R.I.S.E. (Resilient, Impactful, Steadfast, and Empowered). Please see the following message for a few sisterly reminders to help you engage, empower, and elevate all things #DST112!




Join us for the National Founders Day Virtual Celebration!


DATE: Monday, January 13, 2025

TIME: 8:00 PM ET | 7:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM PT

Viewing Link:


This engaging evening will celebrate the sisterhood we hold so dear as we honor our legacy, reflect on our shared journey, and embrace the fortitude that unites us. We will hear from our empowering Past National Presidents, celebrate the legacy of our beloved Honorary Members, be lifted in song from our Delta Music Ministry, and conclude the event with an inspiring keynote address from our International President, Elsie Cooke-Holmes!


The 112th Founders Day Virtual Celebration will include a ritualistic ceremony for duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Sorors are encouraged to wear all black in honor of the occasion. As a reminder, screenshots or recordings of the ceremony are strictly prohibited, including on social media.


All sorors are welcome to participate in the 112th Founders Day Virtual Celebration.




Everything we do in celebration of Founders Day should bring honor to our sisterhood. Please be mindful of the events and activities you attend. Over the years we have seen an increase in third-party events that do not accurately reflect the brand of Delta. It is the responsibility of all members to ensure that we protect the representation of our sisterhood.


Please see the quick reference list of Do’s and Don’ts below to help ensure that we continue to bring honor and respect to our 22 Founders!

We want to take over timelines across social media in honor of our 112th Founders Day! To help us in this endeavor please review the attached FOUNDERS DAY SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLKIT to ensure that any promotional content, including social media flyers, adheres to our established brand standards. While using sayings such as “Redz” and “J13” may seem harmless, these are examples of misrepresenting the Delta brand.



































Let's unite as one sisterhood to celebrate Delta Sigma Theta's resilient, impactful, steadfast, and empowering legacy!


Be sure to share this message with your soror friends, line sisters, and those sorors you wish to reclaim so that we may all RISE together, united through the principles of sisterhood, scholarship, service, and social action that Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated has actualized for 112 years!


Yours in Sisterhood and Service,

Elsie Cooke-Holmes

International President

Chair, Board of Directors

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