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Welcome to the official website of the Blazing Southwest Region of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  We are honored and elated to serve as the Regional Director and Regional Representative of the Southwest Region!  Kamyia and I join hands with the members of the 142 alumnae and collegiate chapters located in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, and Jamaica. Together we will continue to move the region to higher heights as we "Believe & Love in the Blazing Southwest”. 

Through our National Theme of Forward with Fortitude:  Engaging Our Sisterhood, Empowering Our Communities, Elevating our Impact" under the leadership of our International President Elsie Cooke-Holmes, we will continue the legacy of empowering our communities by providing outstanding programs under our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.

​​Thank you members of the Southwest Region for the opportunity to serve during the 2024-2026 biennium.  To the community at large, thank you for your interest in the Southwest Region of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  We invite you to join us as a valued partner in service as we implement programs and activities in communities throughout the Southwest Region.

Believe & Love!

Crystal T. Barker and Kamyia Gibbs

Southwest Regional Director and Regional Representative 

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

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