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In 1930, our 4th  National President, Ann Johnson Julian, came to Texas and chartered two graduate chapters, Rho Sigma (Shreveport) and Sigma Sigma (Austin), and two collegiate chapters were also chartered, Alpha Iota ( Wiley College) and Alpha Kappa ( Huston-Tillotson). 


The creation of these chapters, along with previously chartered chapters in Dallas and Houston, further justified the need for a region in the Southwest region of the country. 


In 1932, at the 11th National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, the Central & Southwest Regions were sanctioned, and Soror Edna Kinchion was named Regional Director. 


By 1933, the second Southwest Regional Conference was held in Austin, Texas, at Huston-Tillotson College. In attendance were Founder Myra L Davis Hemmings, 2nd Regional Director Mary Lou Davis Tolbert, Henrietta Bell, who served as Secretary and Treasurer, and delegates from Alpha Iota, Alpha Kappa, and Sigma Sigma. 


In 1989, Regional Director Maxine Cormier named our powerful and commanding region the "Blazing" Southwest Region. 

Regional History

The 24th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Cynthia Marie Antonette Butler McIntyre, hailed from the Southwest Region. Serving as National President from 2008 to 2013, she also held the role of Regional Director for the Southwest Region from 1997 to 2001. In 1993, she made history as the first regionally elected member of the National Scholarship & Standards Committee the Southwest Region. 


The Southwest Region is also the proud home of the current 28th International National President, Elsie Cook-Holmes. Soror International President Cook-Holmes has an extensive history of service, having previously held the roles of National First Vice President, National Secretary, and National Second Vice President. She has also served as a member of the National Board of Directors and the National Scholarship & Standards Committee.

Elsie Cooke Holmes in Red.jpeg
International President Elsie Cooke-Holmes

National Presidents from The Blazing Southwest Region

The Blazing Southwest Region is the proud home of four of our twenty-two beloved  Founders

  • Founder Myra Lillian Davis-Hemmings of Gonzales, Texas       

  • Founder Zephyr Chisom Carter of El Paso, Texas                                  

  • Founder Jessie McGuire Dent of Galveston, Texas                                 

  • Founder Frederica Chase Dodd of Dallas, Texas

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