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Submission Guidelines for the Regional Publication and Newsletter.
Thank you for your interest in submitting content for The Love Letter! Below, you will find information on suggested article topics, deadlines, how to submit articles and the Jotform used to accept submissions.
For questions and concerns, please reach out to Soror Tiffany Treadway, the regional journalist. Her contact information is in the Southwest Region's 2022-2024 directory.
THE Love Letter
The Love Letter is the quarterly regional newsletter. There are two sections that chapters, regional committee chairs and state coordinators may submit to:
The Spotlight: highlight a major promotion, accolades within chapter, community, university, etc.
What’s happening in the region: events, videos, service projects, etc.
This newsletter also includes relevant information from Grand Chapter and regional leadership.
Please keep all submissions under 200 words. Submissions due by the 20th of every month to Soror Treadway at
The Love Letter is the region’s publication. It provides an in-depth look at the accomplishments and service of chapters. Please visit the news section of the region’s website to view previous editions for reference.
There will be two issues of The Love Letter for the 2022-2023 sorority year: January 2023 and May 2023.
There are three submission deadlines for the January issue: Oct. 25, Nov. 15 and Dec. 1. There are three submission deadlines for the May issue: Feb. 15, March 15, April 1.
Submissions are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis and will not be accepted after Dec. 1 for the January issue and April 1 for the June issue
Suggested article topics:
Social action
Women’s empowerment
Economic fortitude and self-sufficiency
Arts and letters events
Reclamation activities
Delta Dear spotlights/features
Collegiate member spotlights/interviews/features
Alumnae member spotlights/interviews/features
Founders Day activities
Sisterhood activities
Regional/Chapter milestones
Regional/Chapter Heritage and archives
Submission Requirements:
Word count: between 250-750 words
May submit Word or Google Doc
Byline of the journalist or author/writer of the article is required
Suggested headline
2-5 photos with captions included (identify people in photos left to right, if possible)
Photo credit of photographer, if applicable
Collegiate Chapters should include the Chapter Name and College/University
Who Can Submit:
Chapter presidents or their designees, chapter journalists, state journalists and regional committee chairs. If you are in a chapter and would like to write an article, please contact your chapter president or their designee to ensure that your article gets submitted.
Uploading Files:
Articles may be submitted via Word documents or Google Docs links. If submitting more than one article at a time, multiple articles may be included in the same Word file or Google Doc or uploaded individually.
Photo Captions Guide:
Please ensure that all uploaded photos have captions. Please take note of the name/ number of the photos you’re submitting, as all submitted photos must be named, and captions must include the name of the photo. There is a submission field on the form that allows for photo captions to be written or copied/ pasted in. Please follow this captions guide:
Photo name/ number_ description of photo and/or list of sorors in photo from left to right
Photo 1_North Dallas Suburban Alumnae reclamation event
Photo credit: Kennedy Williams
Photo 3276_Soror Barker and Soror Browning at 2023 State Leadership Meetings
Photo credit unavailable.